In time for CRM Pipeline, we've just released our latest Book.
The MSP is a blueprint for evolving your managed services business to take advantage of the latest technologies and customer requirements and ensure you don't get left behind as just the "tradies" of technology.
The last big shift for Managed Service Providers happened in 2010 when Microsoft introduced BPOS. Business Productivity Online Services (BPOS) was Exchange, SharePoint and Lync in the cloud. Initially sold to small and medium businesses, it offered the opportunity for organisations to remove their server and operate their business “from the cloud”. BPOS® became Microsoft 365®.
This happened about the same time we saw the appearance of Managed Service Providers. IT providers moved from break fix and solution providers into providing a monthly managed service fee.
Early managed service providers did well. The business model suited customers and they thrived. At that stage I was running HubOne™, which at that stage was a Managed Service Provider offering Microsoft 365 (and its predecessors) on a single price per user per month.
Now in the 2020s we have operationally excellent Managed Service Providers. A “ticket to the game” now is having your system, automation, onboarding, offboarding all tidily integrated and locked away.
Now, like any mature market, Managed Service Providers are attempting to differentiate around security and compliance, looking for ways to grow their business but are rapidly finding most small and medium-sized customers have little interest in these strategic areas.
The contents of this book are the what’s next. It’s a blueprint for extending your managed service provider business from solely an excellent IT MSP into a true business consulting firm, offering a core set of services and then extending them into solutions which help your customers’ businesses thrive.
This book also offers a way to differentiate your Managed Service Provider, to increase profitability and again become a significant asset to your customers’ businesses.
If you'd like a complimentary physical copy of the book, come see us at CRN Pipeline 2024