We sponsored the IT News Benchmark Awards!
Update from the World of Workflows development team
The Era of AI is here
Beyond Copilot - from personal productivity to automated business processes.
Harnessing the power of business process automation
We've updated Workflows University - Automation Guidance
Version 1.7.457 Released
Version 1.7.440 is released
ISV of the Year - Highly Commended
World of Workflows Con
World of Workflows Now Available on Winget: A Step Forward for Workflow Enthusiasts
Introducing WorkflowNews
World of Workflows at Digital as Usual
Playing Connect4 with World of Workflows
World of Workflows at CRN Pipeline 2023
Version 1.6 Released!
We're in the news!
Introducing 1.5
Navigating the World of Workflows: An In-depth Overview of Our Advanced Software Application
Revolutionizing the Complaints Process in Manufacturing with "World of Workflows"